When the Student is Ready the Teacher Appears

I have heard this adage many times as people chortle about how they came to some great understanding in their life and how the perfect mentor guided them through. "When the student is ready the teacher appears". It is no doubt true, however in my case it was even more true that when the teacher was ready the student appears. Quite a few students actually. I never wanted to be teacher, I never wanted to be a healer, I have clawed my way along this shamanic path and at every juncture I have been ready to give up in a huff! Its not an easy business this long dark night of the soul, and my long dark night has seemed like an arctic winter night at various points with no dawn on the horizon for months at a time. But I made it eventually despite my absolute resistance and having to completely restructure my thought processes and the automatic reactions of my nervous system and I got a place of peace. Why oh why would I want to shatter that peace and start raking through all my shit again in order to haul some other poor should along the same path? I wouldn't, or I didn't think I would, I just didn't feel called to teaching, despite having written a book about my adventures. I guess I just thought anyone interested in the Q'ero teachings that I have followed could read the book and that would be enough. So what happened? I was invited, along with four others, by my teacher of seven years to take part in a Masters course, one that initiated us as teachers ourselves. Having wondered and secretly hoped for those seven years that I might one day be invited I was just pleased to be there. It was the next natural step in the training, a completion in part of the path we could take in the UK, further teachings would likely be in Peru with the Q'ero themselves. I might dabble a little in teaching I mused to myself, we all chatted about perhaps running the courses together and supporting each other through the ordeal of teaching a group of students and initiating them onto the path. I was even more unsure about how teaching would ever happen when I realised while on the Masters course that I was not going to be taught how to be teacher. I had assumed for years that the Masters course would be all about how to teach the teachings. I thought I would be going through each different part of the teachings I had been given with a fine tooth comb and learning how to impart them to others. Not so. The Masters course involved a whole new set of initiations and teachings just for us, to help us grow further, to work with new archetypes and cosmic energies and alignments. Then off we were sent back into the world, back into our little lives and I had no idea what I was going to do with myself. I suppose I had had a little foresight though, I had been casually asking friends if they wanted to be my guinea pigs while I practiced being a teacher on them. They all seemed to come out of the woodwork at the same time and start reminding me that I had mentioned a course. Clients and friends of friends expressed an interest confiding that they knew they were a bit 'witchy' and wanting to learn more about that. Well I wouldn't call what I teach witchy but I new what they meant. I was suddenly emboldened to pick a date and miraculously several people could make it. I felt some new energies swirl around me like an invisible cloak and settle upon my shoulders and it felt absolutely right. Who would have thought? I felt even more emboldened and booked a second introductory weekend and the first initiated course weekend. So now I have become a teacher, just by putting some dates in a diary and letting some people know about it, and the students keep appearing. I even found myself replying to one of the dog walkers in the park a couple of days ago that I am a teacher of shamanic practice. I surprised myself in how quickly I replied and owned what I do when she asked. Well I guess that settles it then, if that's what I am telling people I do for a living. I haven't even started teaching the workshops yet but I am not nervous. I was rather horrified at the idea when I was on the Masters course myself but something in that invisible cloak of teaching that now sits on my shoulders teaches me that my courses do not have to be perfect, they just have to be honest and kind and ongoing to allow people to return as many times as is necessary for them to get everything they need. So with love and gratitude I look forward to all the students I have yet to meet, some of whom I hope to inspire to be teachers themselves.

If you are interested in coming on a course, please check the Workshops page of the website.




Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of the healings, courses or workshops, whether they are right for you, to book onto the Introduction to Shamanic Practice weekend or order Healing Stone Bags.

For fire ceremonies please also email to secure a place

You can also call me on 07932 788650 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services. Find out more by reading my Privacy Policy.


I work from my home in Mitcham where I do most healings. For certain services and in special circumstances I can come to you or your home. Mitcham is served by mainline train station Mitcham Eastfields which is 10 minute walk from me. Also the busses 270, 280, 264, 355, 127 and S1,

There is also Mitcham tram stop (not to be confused with Mitcham Junction). I am afraid there is no parking on my road but pay & display a minutes walk away. If you have any problems with mobility please let me know so I can make special arrangements for you.


I am available most days of the week if booked a couple of weeks in advance and I can be flexible with times if an evening or weekend is more convenient. A typical healing will last between 1-2 hours usually about 90 mins.

I ask for a donation based on what you feel you can afford between £90-£120. I understand the recent financial pressures everyone has been under so please let me know if this is still unaffordable and I can offer a concession in certain circumstances.

Payments in cash or bank transfer only please at this time.


I have had my Covid vaccination. I am happy to see anyone regardless of whether they have had the vaccine or not. I am happy to wear a mask to make clients comfortable however part of the healing may be blowing into the body while making a shhhhh sound in order to move energy around. So if this is a worry for you then please get in touch to discuss your concerns further.


Will there be any physical contact?

That depends on the healing requested or required. For some healings I will place my hands under your head, for others I may hold your hand while I journey for your healing. During the healing I will place stones and crystals on your body and may touch you with feathers, dried leaves or a rattle. You will always remain fully clothed. There may moments where I put tiny amounts of oil on your hands or forehead. The priority is that you feel safe and and physically comfortable at all times although you may experience a range of emotions and feelings. If on the other hand you need help moving about I am glad to assist you as needed and as I have mentioned I have had my COVID vaccination. I am someone who can be anxious about interactions with new people so please get in touch with any concerns you have about anything to do with the potential healing.

How many times will I have to come for a healing?

Clients averagely visit 2-3 times for each problem they would like help with. However I will usually give you a small task to perform such as writing a letter to someone before burning it or starting to look after yourself in some way. It is your homework and unless you have completed the task there is not much point in keeping on returning because this type of healing is about helping you heal yourself.

Other healings can be a one off depending on what you would like help with. This sort of work really is dependent on you the client and how you feel about continuing. Sometimes tough feelings can surface and it takes time for them to be processed and dealt with. If you are meant to have additional healings then you will.

How long will the healing take?

Allow for at least 90 minutes sometimes longer unless you have requested a particular rite or ritual that is shorter like a Despacho or Wilka Mayu initiation. Again please get in touch with specific queries regarding your appointment.

Where will the healings take place?

At my home on the London/Surrey unless we make special arrangements for me to come to you. Some services like home cleansing or fire ceremonies will be done at a residence or outdoor area that can accommodate more people. Cacao ceremonies are also held in places that can hold a number of people and in that case I will come to you.

Can I bring a friend or relative with me?

Usually It is possible to bring a friend or relative in some cases. Having someone with you that you know during the healing may make you feel hesitant about opening up to feelings and emotions that come up during the healing. In special circumstances someone can wait in another room in the house for all or part of the healing. The important thing is that you feel safe so please ask any questions you might have.

©2021 Cate Clare

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