Fire ceremonies have been part of human experience as long as we have had fire. Some archaeologists estimate that to be over 1.5 million years ago and all agree that humans were regularly using fire in groups over 300,000 years ago. We are a species that has evolved in part by sitting around a fire at night to cook, eat together, tell stories and keep ourselves safe in the warm firelight that is so captivating to watch. In modern society we now have heat, light, food in the fridge and the safety and security of our homes, but do we have the same connections? Connections to the elements, to nature and most importantly to each other? When do we get to tell our stories and have a moment to think about what we really need for ourselves?
Thinking about this has led us to the decision to hold a fire ceremony at least once a month to be able to catch up with members of our community who are called to participate and share this ancient ritual. After the ceremony we will share the food that we all contribute and have some time to talk together. This is a free event but you will need to bring some items with you that are listed below to burn in the fire and for the food share. We have space for around 15 people so please book a space by emailing using the contact form below.
You will need to bring two sticks with you both of which will go into the fire, they can be around 30 cm long but you do not have to be specific. Pick the sticks that feel right, one will be to represent what you would like to release from your life, this could be anything from a bad habit to a bad relationship, a thought pattern you have noticed or even something practical like a job or the clutter in your kitchen. If there are a few things you can make a list on a piece of paper and tie it round the stick.
The second stick will represent what you would like to call into your life. Again it can be anything you feel is right, healthy habits, new friends, a new home or fresh start. You might think of deep changes in your thought processes, motivation or energy or a new hobby. Whatever you would like to call in, find a stick and decorate it with ribbons, sequins, bows or paper flowers. You can stick on whatever you have to hand that signifies for you what you would like to bring into your life, just remember it is going in the fire!
We will take turns to put our sticks into the fire and bless ourselves with the smoke of the burning sticks as they transform into a different state of being.....
It is the custom for everyone who is attending to bring some food for a "Food Share" after the fire ceremony, this is a very important part of the ceremony where we can all come together and share in the energy of creating new realities for ourselves and each other. You can bring something savoury or sweet or something to drink (no alcohol please) enough for a few to share. We also want to be able to cater for everyones dietary needs so please let us know when you book if you have any special dietary requirements. The food you bring should already be cooked or require only minimal cooking. We can reheat food on the stove or in a microwave or cook something in the oven for 15 mins. No raw meats please.
There is a sacred song that we sing while everyone is taking turns to burn their sticks round the fire. You can also bring a rattle if you want to join in that way, we have a few here but please feel free to bring your own to rattle while we all sing together.
The words of the song talk about the Great Mother of the waters, the waters of our birth, the waters that sustain us and the waters that will cleanse us in death, the waters of life. Water is as transformational as fire, it is the carrier, the bringer, it has a consciousness and remembers why it is here and water will help us remember what we came here to do if we just let it.
Song of the Waters
Nitche tai tai, enui, oro nika oro nika, hey hey hey hey, oh ai.
You can listen to it here and get the jist of it before you come.
Cultures all over the world revere the transformative powers of fire. What you bring with integrity and good intention, the fire, which has its own consciousness, will happily burn and transform on your behalf. The transformations of fire work on a soul level and open the doorways to the opportunities you need to usher in change. The circle of oil that is poured upon the fire in blessing and the the circle of people taking turns moving round the fire opens the pathways for the transformation of our simple sticks into spirit as they burn with our intentions held inside them. But you have to pay attention for the opportunities the fire will bring over the coming weeks and go through the doors that open for you.
It is no wonder our ancestors sat round fire to warm their hands and seek the visions of the future in the flames. Whenever we gather together round a fire there is the chance of transformation for ourselves and our reality. Like a phoenix from the flames all possibilities appear out of ash and embers. The old dies away and the new is born of old and the cycles of the world keep moving waiting for us to catch on or catch up.
People often ask about what to expect when they attend a fire ceremony so here is a more detained explanation.
Firstly the fire will be built in a usual way but with some additional sticks filled with gratitude and kind intentions for participants, this will probably be done before everyone arrives. If you want to have a fire yourself you can make it as small as you like or use a chimneya don't think it has to be a big bonfire. You can even make something very small inside if the weather is blowing a gale as it was recently.
When people have arrived we will call in the directions to create a sacred space and light the fire.
The fire will then be blessed with a circle of oil, an offering of tobacco or herbs and another sprinkle of oil. The fire will then burn with good intention for us rather than in a destructive way.
Then we will burn the sticks we have brought, one to release and one to call in to our lives what we have put into our sticks by decorating them. We take turns to put our sticks into the fire, bless ourselves with the smoke of our burning sticks and sing the song that you can listen to above.
Finally we will make an offering of gratitude for Mother Earth. This might be a despacho, which is a small prayer bundle of flowers and sweets that we will make together before we light the fire. Otherwise we choose a good stick which will be passed around the fire so that each person can think of what they are grateful for and blow that gratitude into the the stick before we place it into the fire.
Then the sacred space will be closed and the fire will be left to go out in its own time.
If the fire must be put out we will use earth and not water.
Afterwards we have the food share and catch up with each other.
This is a very gentle and lovely way of finding out about the type of healing shamanic practice can bring and meeting other like minded people. Everyone is welcome but we have space for only about 15 people each month so please book in using the contact form below.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of the healings, courses or workshops, whether they are right for you, to book onto the Introduction to Shamanic Practice weekend or order Healing Stone Bags.
For fire ceremonies please also email to secure a place
You can also call me on 07932 788650 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have.
All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services. Find out more by reading my Privacy Policy.
I work from my home in Mitcham where I do most healings. For certain services and in special circumstances I can come to you or your home. Mitcham is served by mainline train station Mitcham Eastfields which is 10 minute walk from me. Also the busses 270, 280, 264, 355, 127 and S1,
There is also Mitcham tram stop (not to be confused with Mitcham Junction). I am afraid there is no parking on my road but pay & display a minutes walk away. If you have any problems with mobility please let me know so I can make special arrangements for you.
I am available most days of the week if booked a couple of weeks in advance and I can be flexible with times if an evening or weekend is more convenient. A typical healing will last between 1-2 hours usually about 90 mins.
I ask for a donation based on what you feel you can afford between £90-£120. I understand the recent financial pressures everyone has been under so please let me know if this is still unaffordable and I can offer a concession in certain circumstances.
Payments in cash or bank transfer only please at this time.
I have had my Covid vaccination. I am happy to see anyone regardless of whether they have had the vaccine or not. I am happy to wear a mask to make clients comfortable however part of the healing may be blowing into the body while making a shhhhh sound in order to move energy around. So if this is a worry for you then please get in touch to discuss your concerns further.
That depends on the healing requested or required. For some healings I will place my hands under your head, for others I may hold your hand while I journey for your healing. During the healing I will place stones and crystals on your body and may touch you with feathers, dried leaves or a rattle. You will always remain fully clothed. There may moments where I put tiny amounts of oil on your hands or forehead. The priority is that you feel safe and and physically comfortable at all times although you may experience a range of emotions and feelings. If on the other hand you need help moving about I am glad to assist you as needed and as I have mentioned I have had my COVID vaccination. I am someone who can be anxious about interactions with new people so please get in touch with any concerns you have about anything to do with the potential healing.
Clients averagely visit 2-3 times for each problem they would like help with. However I will usually give you a small task to perform such as writing a letter to someone before burning it or starting to look after yourself in some way. It is your homework and unless you have completed the task there is not much point in keeping on returning because this type of healing is about helping you heal yourself.
Other healings can be a one off depending on what you would like help with. This sort of work really is dependent on you the client and how you feel about continuing. Sometimes tough feelings can surface and it takes time for them to be processed and dealt with. If you are meant to have additional healings then you will.
Allow for at least 90 minutes sometimes longer unless you have requested a particular rite or ritual that is shorter like a Despacho or Wilka Mayu initiation. Again please get in touch with specific queries regarding your appointment.
At my home on the London/Surrey unless we make special arrangements for me to come to you. Some services like home cleansing or fire ceremonies will be done at a residence or outdoor area that can accommodate more people. Cacao ceremonies are also held in places that can hold a number of people and in that case I will come to you.
Usually It is possible to bring a friend or relative in some cases. Having someone with you that you know during the healing may make you feel hesitant about opening up to feelings and emotions that come up during the healing. In special circumstances someone can wait in another room in the house for all or part of the healing. The important thing is that you feel safe so please ask any questions you might have.
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