I went on a wonderful journey from Cusco through the Sacred Valley to meet with Apu Ausungate, the father Apu and spirit of the sacred mountain so I could be initiated and given the energetic seeds of the Nustas and pass them on to others.
I am pictured here on the right with Don Mariano and Don Santiago in front of the Apu Ausungate and the Nustas Juana and Thomasa Wamantikkla. Also pictured is the Nusta Dona Teresa, although covered in snow she is there, the daughter of Ausungate and represented by a huge heart shaped outcrop in the centre of the mountain.
I was lucky enough to be able to visit the sacred places of each of these Nustas, where they are known to reside and receive the initiations of each Goddess so I could bring them back to the UK. It was truly an honour to be there and be able to work with these beautiful wise souls, the Q'ero priests and receive their teachings and initiations in some of the most sacred sites in the world.
Mama Ocllo the founder of Cusco, creator Goddess who emerged from Lake Titicaca with the knowledge of weaving and sacred symbols, she opens the path for the other Nustas. Mama Serena Anchanchu the angelic mermaid is the Goddess of the waters and the flowers bringing you closer to both and clearing your ego.
Mama Simona, who is also one of the few female Apus is seen here, according to legend, in profile, on her mountain outside of Cusco. Mama Simona is the original medicine woman and will connect you to your roots. Dona Teresa is the Goddess of love and will open your heart to more love and forgiveness. Maria Sak'apana the wind Goddess will clear your throat so you can speak your truth but before she does she will let you understand your truth from a new perspective, this is not always easy!
Sister Goddesses that reside in these two peaks beside Ausungate, Juana is the visionary Goddess connected with birds of prey particularly the Falcon. Juana sees all that goes on here on earth. Thomasa connects us to the infinite light that surrounds this world and indeed the very cosmos, with one eye on the infinite she is the Goddess that represents the freedom to walk our own path through transformation while meeting others on theirs.
These beautiful hand carved Alabaster stones are solidified sami energy. Sami energy or light is the lightest, brightest vibration of the universe. We do not think of good or bad in these teachings only heavy and light. Heavy energy we call hucha and the light energy that flows with high vibration is known as sami. It is believed that sometimes sami light can be solidified by the earth into Alabaster and other crystals and as such can hold the highest frequencies, even those of the Goddesses! They have been blessed by the Andean priests and imbued with the Goddess rites and transmissions, as have I, so that between us we can start to ripple the teachings and the powers of these ancient Goddesses back through humanity as they once did. The Nustas have returned to help us remember who we are and who we came here to be. Step forward onto your path and call in your impossible self, the one you only dare dream of.
If the Nusta initiations connect us back to ourselves and our purpose, the crystal mesa rites connect us to the earth and the cosmos. Now we have entered into the time of The Crystal Consciousness the earth has entered a visionary time when we can connect with other consciousnesses around the galaxy and secure our future as an advanced and peaceful planet. These initiations will root you to the pillars of the earth, the crystaline structures in your own body including the pineal gland and also connect you with the star systems of Syrius and their collective consciousness. All of creation and your own creativity lie in these sacred stones and their blessings.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of the healings, courses or workshops, whether they are right for you, to book onto the Introduction to Shamanic Practice weekend or order Healing Stone Bags.
For fire ceremonies please also email to secure a place
You can also call me on 07932 788650 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have.
All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services. Find out more by reading my Privacy Policy.
I work from my home in Mitcham where I do most healings. For certain services and in special circumstances I can come to you or your home. Mitcham is served by mainline train station Mitcham Eastfields which is 10 minute walk from me. Also the busses 270, 280, 264, 355, 127 and S1,
There is also Mitcham tram stop (not to be confused with Mitcham Junction). I am afraid there is no parking on my road but pay & display a minutes walk away. If you have any problems with mobility please let me know so I can make special arrangements for you.
I am available most days of the week if booked a couple of weeks in advance and I can be flexible with times if an evening or weekend is more convenient. A typical healing will last between 1-2 hours usually about 90 mins.
I ask for a donation based on what you feel you can afford between £90-£120. I understand the recent financial pressures everyone has been under so please let me know if this is still unaffordable and I can offer a concession in certain circumstances.
Payments in cash or bank transfer only please at this time.
I have had my Covid vaccination. I am happy to see anyone regardless of whether they have had the vaccine or not. I am happy to wear a mask to make clients comfortable however part of the healing may be blowing into the body while making a shhhhh sound in order to move energy around. So if this is a worry for you then please get in touch to discuss your concerns further.
That depends on the healing requested or required. For some healings I will place my hands under your head, for others I may hold your hand while I journey for your healing. During the healing I will place stones and crystals on your body and may touch you with feathers, dried leaves or a rattle. You will always remain fully clothed. There may moments where I put tiny amounts of oil on your hands or forehead. The priority is that you feel safe and and physically comfortable at all times although you may experience a range of emotions and feelings. If on the other hand you need help moving about I am glad to assist you as needed and as I have mentioned I have had my COVID vaccination. I am someone who can be anxious about interactions with new people so please get in touch with any concerns you have about anything to do with the potential healing.
Clients averagely visit 2-3 times for each problem they would like help with. However I will usually give you a small task to perform such as writing a letter to someone before burning it or starting to look after yourself in some way. It is your homework and unless you have completed the task there is not much point in keeping on returning because this type of healing is about helping you heal yourself.
Other healings can be a one off depending on what you would like help with. This sort of work really is dependent on you the client and how you feel about continuing. Sometimes tough feelings can surface and it takes time for them to be processed and dealt with. If you are meant to have additional healings then you will.
Allow for at least 90 minutes sometimes longer unless you have requested a particular rite or ritual that is shorter like a Despacho or Wilka Mayu initiation. Again please get in touch with specific queries regarding your appointment.
At my home on the London/Surrey unless we make special arrangements for me to come to you. Some services like home cleansing or fire ceremonies will be done at a residence or outdoor area that can accommodate more people. Cacao ceremonies are also held in places that can hold a number of people and in that case I will come to you.
Usually It is possible to bring a friend or relative in some cases. Having someone with you that you know during the healing may make you feel hesitant about opening up to feelings and emotions that come up during the healing. In special circumstances someone can wait in another room in the house for all or part of the healing. The important thing is that you feel safe so please ask any questions you might have.
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